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5 Tips to Teach a Child the ABCs

by Troop Atomic Mommy

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If you are a parent then you have, at one point or another, wondered how to teach a child the ABCs. While this is not exactly as easy as it sounds, it can still be done in an easy manner as long as you have the right tips and guidance.

One of the best things about kids is that they love to learn – although what we should all keep in mind is that they love to learn at their own pace. Your little one might be walking early but hasn’t yet mastered words – or it might be the other way around. Either way, your little one will need to be taught their ABCs.

Helping your children learn the alphabet has a lot to do with repetition and making the whole experience memorable. What better way to make learning the ABCs memorable than by making it fun! Once something becomes fun, it becomes easier to learn. 

Learning the alphabet is a fundamental part of learning any language. Your child will need these letters to form basic words, sentences, and eventually, learn to read full books. That is why we’ve put together the 5 easiest tips to teach a child the ABCs!

#1 Technology 

Many parents shy away from using technology at an early age, but there is a lot that technology can help with. More and more schools are using technology like computers, laptops and tablets to help their children learn. 

This can be a double whammy by helping your child master the technology and the subject at hand. Software that enables a child to learn and think with fun games, like ABCmouse, are a perfect example of how technology can help a child learn the ABCs.  

#2 Singing

Perhaps the easiest and what many parents believe to be the most effective teaching technique, is singing the ABCs with a child. After all, what child doesn’t love to sing?

One of the great things about singing with your child is that they won’t care if you are offbeat or can’t keep a tune; they will just be happy to join in. One of the most common sung things in nurseries and at home will likely end up being the ABC song!

We know that there are traditional a-b-c-d songs, but there are also newer and more upbeat songs to introduce to your child. Changing the song can bring some variety to the learning process – keeping it fresh for you too! 

#3 Animals 

Using animals to teach a child the ABCs is a great way to liven up the experience. You can teach your child by pointing to a variety of animals, like the goat, and stating what letter it starts with.

The best way to enjoy this experience with your child is by taking a trip to the local petting zoo or farm. There, you will have a plethora of animals to play the game with and your child will definitely get a kick out hearing you sound out their names. Remember, repetition is key.

#4 Letter Matching

Depending on the age of your child, you can play letter matching games. This type of game is a lot of fun and can last for ages. Buy some foam letters and start saying the different letters of the alphabet to your child. Their job is to find the matching letter to the sound that you make. 

You can also use this to help them order the letters and begin to make words. This is a great way to explore the shapes of the letters and how they fit together. 

#5 iSpy 

Possibly one of the most beloved games in the world is iSpy! Choosing different letters to help your child start finding different objects that start with your letter of choice. Although there are a lot of mistakes to be made, this can be a lot of fun when it comes to learning. 

The game is simple to play! Start with saying, “I spy with my little eye… a bunny (point to the bunny)!” Then of course, teach your child that a bunny starts with the letter B and what the letter B sounds like. You can aim to repeat the bunny 3 times, in order to help your child memorize what a bunny starts with.

The Takeaway

Yes, teaching a child the ABCs can be intimidating, but it can also be fun! Be sure to use the tips we gave you in here and let us know how your lesson went, in the comments below.

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